Thursday, May 19, 2011

Pekerjaan SEX @ Seks

Secret masih tertanya- tanya, apa itu pekerjaan Seks?
Apa job descriptions untuk pekerjaan ini?
Mengapa, Apa, Bagaimana, Di mana
Secret tak tau.

Mungkin apa yang leh secret perkatakan ialah kalian masih punya ruang yang luas terbentang di bumi ini. 

Rezeki yang Tuhan beri itu melimpah ruah. 
Terpulang kepada kita semua untuk mempergunakannya. 

Secret bukanlah sesiapa. Secret amat-amat berharap agar situasi dalam video ini tidak terjadi di bumi Malaysia yang tercinta ini. Sama- sama kita doakan yang terbaik untuk diri kita dan rakan- rakan kita, Semoga Allah (Tuhan) merahmati hidup kita semua. Insya-allah. Dengan izin Allah (Tuhan). 

Info VideoHundreds of sex workers rallied on Tuesday near a red-light district in Seoul to protest a police crackdown on brothels, with some unsuccessfully attempting to set themselves on fire. A crowd of about 400 people, mostly women wearing baseball caps, masks and sunglasses, chanted slogans like, "Guarantee the right to live!" during the four-hour rally. At one point, about 20 protesters in their underwear and covered in body and face paint doused themselves in flammable liquid in an apparent attempt to burn themselves, but others stopped them from lighting any flames. Some of the women then sat in the street and wept and screamed, while other protesters consoled them. Minor scuffles between protesters and police officers erupted after the rally, but there were no reports of major injuries. Prostitution is illegal in South Korea but is widespread despite repeated government crackdowns.

Terjemahan dalam ayat mudah: Ratusan pekerja sex di Korea selatan menjalankan protes dengan mem bogel kan diri. Aktiviti perlacuran adalah terlarang di Korea Selatan dan tindakan keras akan diambil (secara serius.)

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